Sewing is so not my forte…Yet!

I’ve come to realize since the birth of my son 7 weeks ago that my sewing skills are not as great as I thought they were. In a few of my previous posts, I raved about my excitement to try the covers I sewed for Harrison. Well, none of them fit. Not. A. Single. One. And I have to say that I’m pretty bummed about it. I considered taking out the stitching on the FOE and resewing it, but have had neither the time nor desire to do so (I’ll explain that in a minute). The issue is the leg openings; they’re just too big. When they did finally fit his legs, the waist was too small. Such is life for trial and error.

With all of that, I have to be honest and say I wasn’t very happy with the particular FOE I purchased. At the time, it seemed great since it came from a reputable diaper sewing website. One of the reasons I use prefolds and covers is I love that covers can be reused as long as there’s no soiling. I typically use 2-3 covers at a time over the course of 2 days to allow time in between for drying. Well, the FOE I purchased completely wicks moisture, rendering it not reusable, even though it is supposedly made of 100% polyester. I think I’m going to email the site and ask if that’s normal to see if I possibly got a bad batch. Since I’m such a newbie to this, I’m clueless. Meanwhile, I’ve since purchased other covers to get me through since I only had 1 other cover–definitely not enough for a newborn.

The winged prefolds I made worked pretty well until about 5 weeks. Harrison’s a pretty heavy wetter so they weren’t thirsty enough, even when being changed every 2-3 hours. Next time I make them, I want to try using a different material on the inner layer. We’ll see how far I get with that since time’s been pretty limited.

Here’s a picture of my little man at 1 day old in one of his mommy-made covers and winged prefold:ImageImageNext time I make these, I will add snaps since most of the fabrics I used on his newborn set weren’t Snappi-able. It’s really difficult to get the wings to stay in place without some kind of closure. Now on to my next fail…

I started a pair of 2AAT socks back in April and put them down the night before Harrison was born. I finally picked them back up last night only to realize that I somehow completely messed up one or both of the heels. It’s my first time doing 2AAT and only my second pair of toe-up socks. I’m still learning the wrap & turn technique, especially since this pattern’s is written differently than my previously used pattern. I somehow ended up with only 18 stitches left on one heel and 32 on the other. Don’t ask me how because I seriously have no clue. It looks like I have some frogging to do in my future. 😦 We’ll see…

The next project I want to start is a shawl. I purchased a beautiful green colorway of lace yarn a few months back when it was on sale and have been dying to cast on since receiving it. I’d like to be finished (I use that term very, very loosely) with it by the time I go to the beach in September. I’m thinking that’s probably too ambitious of a goal.

Well, that’s what I’ve got for today so until next time, much love and many crafty blessings!


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Filed under DIY, Knitting, Sewing, WIP

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